[. . . ] Application Note ZMOTIONTM Detection Module Application Walkthrough AN030701-0810 Abstract This application note describes in detail the application code associated with the ZMOTION Detection Module and how it can be used for detection and control applications. The ZMOTION Detection Module can be used either in Hardware Mode or Serial Mode. In the Hardware Mode, you use the hardware circuit selection for sensitivity adjustments, delay time settings, ambient light settings, and Sleep Mode. In the Serial Mode, you can use the UART interface to fine-tune the ZMOTION Detection Module with advanced configuration settings. [. . . ] Finally, the program checks again the status of the cModule Status1 (cModuleStatus1) flag. · If the Mode Pir Stable (MOD_PIR_STABLE) is LOW, then the program checks the PIR sensor stability after power up. This state changes the time delay of changing the state from one state to another. This state is used to control and monitor the signal associated with the Light Gate pin. This state indicates how the ePIR engine detected the last motion-detected event. When the ZMOTION sets the Motion Detected bit in ePIRStatus0, it also sets this bit according to which detection engine registered the event. If the received command is `R', then it is requesting for a Reset. If the receive command is `M', then it is requesting for make motion detection. This state is used to configure the direction of the motion to positive, negative, or disabled. Positive movement is requested when a "+" is received, negative movement is requested when a "-" is received, and disabled motion detection is requested when "A" is received. This state determines if the engine should accept signals from one or two ePIR sensor. If configured as single operation then only one sensor is used which is connected to ANA2. If it is configured as dual operation then ZMOTION will scan two sensors simultaneously with the second sensor connected to ANA3. If this state is enabled, the engine considers smaller signal changes as valid motion events. This significantly increases sensitivity at the cost of more potential false motion detections. This state is used to clear and temporarily save the received command. This state determines the frequency response of the motion detection system. Higher values allow lower frequencies to be accepted by the ePIR engine. Lower values cause the engine to ignore targets that generate lower frequencies. This state uses the watch-dog timer to have system reset that wakes up MCU. Sleep Mode Request in Serial and Hardware Interface Mode The program enters Sleep Mode request if MOD_SLEEP_REQ in cModuleStatus1 register is enabled and sleeps for the given time duration depending on the value of the set sleep duration. Sensitivity Setting from Potentiometer (Hardware Interface Mode) Get the latest Sense setting from the Pot. The program gets the latest sense from the potentiometer if the SCAN_SENS_POT is enabled in cModuleStatus2 register and the SC3_ANA0_SCAN_REQUEST is disabled. [. . . ] ePIR Sensitivity Register (ePIR_Sensitivity Define ePIR_SENSITIVITY Value FFh Description (R/W) Register used to adjust the sensitivity of the ePIR Table 26. ePIR API Status/Control Register 0 (ePIR_SC0) Define SC0_PIR_STABLE SC0_MOTION_DETECTED SC0_MOTION_DIRECTION SC0_DIRECTION_CONTROL SC0_MD_SUSPEND SC0_ENGINE_DISABLED SC0_EXTENDED Value 01h 02h 04h 08h 10h 20h C0h Description (R) Status/Control Register 0 PIR Stable (R/W) Status/Control Register 0 Motion Detected (R) Status/Control Register 0 Motion Direction (R/W) Status/Control Register 0 Direction Control (R/W)Status/Control Register 0 Motion Detection Suspend (R) Status/Control Register 0 Engine Disabled (R/W) Status/Control Register 0 Extended Table 27. ePIR API Status/Control Register 1 (ePIR_SC1) Define SC1_DUAL_PYRO_ENABLE SC1_BIT1_RESERVED SC1_PIR_SCAN_RATE SC1_FREQUENCY_RESPONSE SC1_ENGINE_TIMER_TICK Value 01h 02h 04h 78h 80h Description (R/W) Status/Control Register 1 Dual Pyro Enable (R) Status/Control Register 1 Bit1 Reserved (R/W) Status/Control Register 1 PIR Scan Rate (R/W) Status/Control Register 1 Frequency Response (R/W) Status/Control Register 1 Engine Timer Tick AN030701-0810 Page 26 of 30 ZMOTIONTM Detection Module Application Walkthrough Table 28. ePIR API Status/Control Register 2 (ePIR_SC2) Define SC2_BIT34567_RESERVED SC2_RANGE_CONTROL Value F8h 07h Description (Reserve) Status/Control Register 2 Bit34567 Reserved (R/W) Status/Control Register 2 Range Control Table 29. [. . . ]